Writing strategies

You perform four language skills viz. speaking and writing, listening and reading The first ones are productive skills where you produce sounds, words, sentences etc. The second ones are receptive skills where you receive some messages, news: lessons etc from different sources. Communication is the most important part of language learning. You cannot communicate effectively without being able to produce correct sentences. Therefore, you have to be able to form a number of correct sentences in real-life situation. You need sharpening your mind in order to be capable of using English effectively and confidently in all situations. Here are some useful tips to sharpen your mind. Please, follow the following ways to attain your destination 1. Write a story. poem, play, novel, or song 2. Read a newspaper everyday 3. Learn a new language 4. Attend a lecture on an interesting topic 5. Have stimulating conversation with friends 6. Attend a ballet, opera, or play 7. Solve crossword puzzles 8. Listen to the news and knowledgeable programs 9. Learn to play a musical instrument 10. Watch the Discovery Channel 11. Visit a museum, library, art gallery etc. 12. Play different kinds of games 13. Travel, observe flora and fauna 14. Take part in debate, classroom discussion 15. Meet the great person from different fields 16. Study worldly and spiritual beliefs 17. Keep on learning a new thing everyday 18. Build up your BBHS (body, brain, heart, and soul) regularly 19. Be always hopeful and happy 20. Never lose your hope and confidence Writing in its broad sense-as distinct from simply putting words on paper has three steps: thinking about it, doing it, and doing it and again and again, as often as time will allow and patience will endure. So far, we've looked in detail at imaginative writing pieces and essays. But there's no end to the kinds of writing you'll be expected to know about or produce for school, university, work, interests or pleasure. It would be impossible to memorize the formula for every kind of writing in the world. But if you memorize the Six Steps, you can adapt them to even the most out-of-the-ordinary writing job you might have to do. Generally, you should follow the steps like Title of your essay, Introduction(Introduce the topic and explain the scope of the essay.), Similarities (Explain the aspects or features of X and Y that are similar.), differences (Move on to explain the aspects or features of X and Y that are different.). Conclusion (Summarize and give a personal opinion or conclusion based on the strength of the similarities and differences discussed) while writing a comparative essay.

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